“Today there is 20 percent people in the world suffering hungriness. The people among them are mostly from Africa and underdeveloped nations. The main issue is how to provide food while population is increasing rapidly and climate is changing speedy due to global warming”The biggest enemy in human being’s life is hungriness. Scientist is not able to make hunger free nation even though the restless effort they have did in well developed nations. If we talk about the well developed countries rather than under developed country; among 6 people there is 1 person who is suffering hungriness. In November’s third week of 2009 politicians and researchers have given commitment that we will remove the hungriness very soon. But, they didn’t given any specific timeline. But the organization for food and agriculture which is Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has urged to these countries to make a goal to completely remove hungriness by 2025.
Figure showing that 20 per cent of people have been suffered hungriness in the year 2009 in all over the world. The desirable is to reduce 10 percent till 2015. But, according to the U.N Organization Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) this target is impossible to achieve. Not only will this but situation become very worst in coming days. World population will become 9.1 billion by 2050 and other one of the main cause is global warming. The way global warming is increasing it will impact very badly unto the agriculture sector and the production will automatically decrease and which will bring several such problems.
The Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) a research laboratory for food and agriculture which issuing money to the underdeveloped nations to grow in agricultural sector denoted that there will be a need of $16.4 billion instead of $5.1 billion. And the scientists of CGIAR have given argument of above statement that if this much of money will be given to food and agricultural sector than the production will become double. But, which is impossible to achieve due to global warming.
Is there any solution available to overcome from such a big problem??
Here there are a few thoughts which if implemented correctly then we will overcome from such a big problem. Firstly, there should be given a priority to save water. According to UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) there an increase needed in below sprinkle water area up to 11 per cent. Although, due to climate change there are several lakes and rivers become dry in the world. Secondly, there should be a research in the area of seed which will be more fruitful and have more immunity this should be of qualities like it can easily grow in less water situation, it can bear more temperature, and it can provide good quality of portioned too. At the last but not the least is give attention to make growth speedy. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IEFPRI)’s Mark Rozgrant ‘s calculation if the production growth of African agricultural food can be increased up to 25 per cent only it will provide more food than if the facilities to provide sprinkle water plant double. |
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